Bruno Mars’ birth chart shows he’s a rebel with a cause
Bruno Mars was born on October 8, 1985. This makes him a charming Libra Sun with a charismatic Leo Moon. His birth time hasn’t been confirmed online or with me directly (get at me!), so instead, let’s focus on what we do, in fact, know. When looking at his elemental energy, he’s genuinely very balanced between Fire, Earth, Air and Water. This equilibrium within him makes him especially versatile and flexible in life, as he can apply himself to what he chooses fluidly rather than be too stuck in one pattern or pathway. He has the right amount of social and people skills, the splash of passion and creativity to pop, a tender side where he can truly tap into his emotions, and the resilience and perseverance to channel himself toward his goals.
When looking at key themes in his birth chart, there’s a few that pop up, so let’s take a gander. First, he truly is an original free spirit. He is inventive, eccentric and in many regards “lightning in a bottle.” His Sun, ruling his life force, is perfectly aligned with Uranus, the planet of genius. This makes him independent, yet determined to get new projects off the ground and embrace a fresh approach to how he creates his life. He understands the past and the power of an homage, but lives to reinvent the wheel. This is further enhanced by how his Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind, touches Neptune, the planet of visionary imagination. His poetic magic isn’t just luck, it’s written in his stars. His Mars, the planet of drive, dances with Uranus, as does his Venus. He’s a rebel—but he always has a cause and a plan. I can see this because he is an especially deep thinker, with his Mercury united with Pluto, the planet of tremendous depth, intensity and transformation. This is what encourages him to break free from limitations and get to the heart and soul of what he hungers to understand or express.
The next theme that radiates across his birth chart is that at his center, Bruno Mars is a joy to know and behold. He’s inherently a deeply optimistic, hopeful and jovial person as his Moon, ruling his inner emotional life and ties closely to his soul, is linked perfectly with Jupiter. He’s larger than life—and he likes the good life. This also attracts tremendous fortune and wealth to him, so to say he was born into luck is accurate to say. Last to mention is that his charm, magnetism and attractive persona are further emphasized by the union of his Venus and Mars. He is affectionate and loves romance to his core. He knows how to charm, but is also a sensual sweetheart, gifted with artistry, music and dance. He really did hit the cosmic jackpot in so many ways.