Michael B. Jordan’s birth chart shows he knows how to be a man with a heart
Michael B. Jordan was born on February 9, 1987. This makes him a visionary Aquarius Sun with a sensitive Moon in Cancer. Unless a celebrity is personally texting their birth time to me, I don’t usually accept random ones listed online (as 9 out of 10 times they’re wrong). However, for today’s purposes—and upon inspecting his chart—we will go with what’s listed online because I find a lot of it makes sense. Thus, we can tell he is likely a Virgo Ascendant. When it comes to element predominance, he has a strong overall affinity to Earth and Water placements. This brings him a grounded and emotionally balanced energy.
Jordan has so much going on in his birth chart that empowers him to live confidently and boldly, but in a way that is always respectful and mindful of how other people will perceive him. His intellectual side is very strong, but he is also very innately sensitive. He has a deep connection with his emotions, but can just as equally maintain a grounded sense of logic. There’s so much within his planetary aspects that speaks of strong masculinity and his desire for action, such as how his Sun, ruling his life force, links with Mars, the planet of drive and sex, as well as Saturn, the planet of longevity and structure. He knows how to assert his will, but with sweet sensitivity beneath it all, he doesn’t need to be a brash dick to get it. His chart has many squares, or planets that create friction in order to help him to grow. This allows him to push harder to experience more of what life has to offer rather than just having it given to him.
In his birth chart, three main houses stand out to me: his sector of home, family and domesticity, which is activated by Uranus, Venus and Neptune. Having a strong connection to his roots is important and he desires to build a family that is both creative and unconventional. His Sun is in his sector of children and art, showing that he shines in these areas and will be so tremendously happy as a father. Last, his sector of partnership and marriage is heavily activated, too, with his North Node being here—meaning it is his life destiny to find the perfect partner. His Jupiter, the planet of luck and miracles, is also opposite his Ascendant in his sector of marriage, meaning that he finds luck through his partnerships and he can experience such tremendous happiness in relationships. He is also quite loyal and courageous in love. This shows that he invests so much into his unions, and yes, deep down, he is a profound romantic. On top of this, his Venus, the planet of love, and Neptune, the planet of soulmates, are united in his birth chart, too. They are opposite his Moon, bringing him a deeply kind and softhearted personality.