Focus: Relaxation
Carelessness and neglect are the main problems now. Being tense and angry within your domestic environment isn't helping. Relax a little and allow your creative juices to flow. Small sacrifices can help you to obtain specific goals.
You could find your focus drawn again to explaining or justifying something or someone connected to your love life. If others have opinions or input to offer, then fine. But you know you're prepared to defend what feels right to you. You're committed to your own joy, now and always. Anyone who tries to rain on your parade could be wasting their time.
Favorable time for any undertakings, try to keep a good mood until the end of the day. Now is the right time for enhanced workouts: you are in good physical shape. To relieve tension, to cope with tearfulness and irritability you will be helped by essential oils: verbena, rosemary, sandalwood.
Try to make it a more seductive presentation at work today. Getting to the bottom of a problem today requires silence, not words. If you can sit still, the unconscious mind will reveal a lot more than you anticipate. There may be a profitable short trip that can help your work or your business.