Elton John’s birth chart shows he was always meant to be a prolific muse
Elton John was born on March 25, 1947. This makes him a fiery Aries Sun with a grounded Taurus Moon. His birth time hasn’t been confirmed anywhere online, so until I have the honor of crossing paths with him someday (I can only hope, get at me!), we’ll instead focus on what we do, in fact, know. When it comes to elemental energy, John is heavily composed of Fire and Air. This should come as no surprise because he is tremendously passionate and charismatic as well as a profound communicator. These traits tend to appear when someone has a lot of these elemental energies.
When it comes to astrological aspects that run through his chart, there are a few different themes. First and most importantly, John is a revolutionary. Several planetary interactions emphasize this repeatedly. First, his Mars, the planet of drive, links to Uranus, the planet of the future. This makes him original, eccentric and a strong nonconformist. He is visionary and energetic in outlook, unafraid to be rebellious and go against the status quo in the pursuit of his goals. He is a courageous, pioneering free spirit whose mission in life is to bring new ideas into being. His Neptune, the planet of imagination, is united with his Midheaven, bringing him tremendous success in a musical and artistic career. Uranus also dances with his Midheaven, too, making him a uniquely gifted individual, with both ambition and unconventional attitudes that have always held the power to change society at large. His Mercury, the planet of communication, is also united with Mars, bringing him an agile and aggressive mind, with an unending will to speak, connect and succeed.
The next major theme is that John is practically a divine channel of the muses. In a sense, this is because his birth chart heavily emphasizes his creative expression. I also can understand his indulgent and hedonistic past, too, because of how this overlays his chart, too. He’s extravagant and magnificent and is a creature of passion and pleasure. His Sun, ruling his life force, is opposite Neptune, amplifying his visionary magic tremendously. His Sun also spins with Jupiter, the planet of fortune and expansion, empowering him with divine luck, wealth and a larger than life personality. No matter where he has gone, luck was always sure to follow. His Venus, the planet of art, prances with Jupiter, bringing him a regal and graceful energy and brilliance in creativity. Venus links to Uranus and his Midheaven, too, further empowering him with groundbreaking abilities to shock the globe.
Last, as should come as no surprise, John was built for groundbreaking success. Many planetary alignments speak of him as a leader. His Jupiter spins with Saturn, making him an excellent manager with the ambition and natural power to be honored and respected. He was meant to work within society at large. His Sun links to Pluto, bringing him a strong desire to be recognized and admired, and with his Sun also smiling upon Saturn, he has always possessed the concentration, focus and determination to put absolutely everything he has into his goals and accomplishments.