Olivia Rodrigo’s birth chart shows her success is because of her deep emotions
Olivia Rodrigo was born on February 20, 2003. This makes her a sensitive Pisces Sun with a romantic Libra Moon. Her birth time hasn’t been confirmed with me directly (get at me!), so instead, let’s focus on what we do, in fact, know. When it comes to elemental energy, Rodrigo is heavily composed of Air and Fire. This makes her greatly extroverted and highly passionate, expressive and feisty.
When peering into her astrological aspects, we can learn a great deal about her personality, as well. The first key theme we can see is that—and I say this with all love and affection—Rodrigo is dramatic. Like, yes, drama queen. However, this is what makes her so bold and vibrant. Her birth chart screams this repeatedly—and intensely so. Now this doesn’t in any way mean she’s a bad person or destructive—she’s more masochistic than sadistic—but she does have an extreme side to her personality. Let’s break this down. First and foremost, her Sun, ruling her life force, is united with Uranus, the planet of rebellion. This makes her tremendously strong-willed and eccentric, determined to get her own way and to live in total alignment with her own code of ethics. She breaks from convention and thrives in doing so. She cannot be caged and demands freedom to live as vastly as possible. Her Mars, the planet of energy, stands exactly opposite Saturn, the planet of karma, which brings her immense willpower to get what she wants, even if she must be strategic to get it. Her Jupiter, the planet of expansion, also stands opposite Neptune, the planet of imagination. This amplifies her poetic and feeling nature, so much so that it reaches levels of theatricality and fantasy. Her Mars is then united with Pluto, which grants her a forceful temperament, driven for power and victory. On a good day, she can use all of her might to channel toward positive growth and aiding others. If she’s in a bad mood or been scorned, you can certainly assume she will not let it go unpunished.
The next major theme that rises up is that Rodrigo is emotional—so much so that it is as if she possesses a never-ending depth to her heart and soul that she can draw upon as a resource for her work and material. Her Moon, which mirrors her inner world, makes so many connections to other planets, adding layers of sensitivity and intensity to her emotional world. First, her Moon links to Venus, bringing her artistic brilliance, personal charm and popularity, but can also make it hard for her to let go of lost love. Her Moon then dances with Pluto, which can at times give her an “all or nothing,” “black or white” perspective—especially on matters relating to emotions. Luckily, her Moon stands opposite Jupiter, which can give her a larger-than-life personality at times, as well as a talkative and clever nature. Her Moon also shakes hands with Neptune, bringing her a poetic spirit, an idealistic perspective and incredible magnetism to enchant those around her. Her Moon then smiles upon Mars, bringing her a feisty, courageous and daring personality, as well as Saturn, which further amplifies her extremely sensitive temperament.