Sandra Bullock’s birth chart shows she is a living goddess of beauty
Sandra Bullock was born on July 26, 1964. This makes her an expressive Leo Sun with a social Aquarius Moon. Her birth time hasn’t been confirmed online or with me directly (get at me!), so until she and I cross paths, we will focus on what we do, in fact, know. When looking at her elemental energy, she is heavily composed of Air, followed by an equal share of the final three elements: Fire, Earth and Water. This means that ultimately she is highly adept at communication and takes an intellectual approach to life, but also has a very easy way of understanding how to blend her emotions, passions and actions to get what she wants.
When analyzing her astrological aspects within her birth chart, there are a few themes that come forward very significantly. First, I am overwhelmed by how much of her chart speaks of raw beauty—inside and out—that she is almost in essence a muse for the world. Just as icons throughout history have captivated people everywhere, Bullock is filled with a personality to enchant, entertain and engage the world. Her Moon, ruling her inner emotional life, links to Venus, the planet of beauty, which brings her refinement and elegance, as well as a love for the arts. She is innately popular and cheerful, which is what draws so many people to her. Her Moon then perfectly links to Jupiter exactly, which expands her kind, generous and optimistic personality to the millionth degree. This also brings great fortune in finances and in material awards, but at the foundation, it’s because she’s so likable. Her Moon then dances with Mars, the planet of action, making her outgoing and passionate, with a daring and courageous side to her. Her Moon then sings with Mercury, the planet of intellect, which brings her great wit and a brilliant mind.
Her Mercury, similar to her Moon, spins in a gorgeous ballet with so many other planets, too, which empowers her with an action-oriented personality who is clever as well as intrinsically gifted creatively. She can bring her very own humorous and special spin to any idea, performance or message that engages others, as well as impacts them.
The last thing I wish to mention that further emphasizes her beauty, appeal and sexual magnetism is that her Venus is also exactly united with Mars. This is quite rare and makes her a tremendous lover of life. She is attracted to others and easily relates and pulls people into her aura. She’s sensual and affectionate, and this appears in all areas of her life, but especially with friends and family.