Carrie Underwood Birth Chart

Carrie Underwood

What time was Carrie Underwood born?
Carrie Underwood born in Muskogee, United States 10 March 1983

Ever wanted to know what astrology says about your all-time favorite celebrity — a politician, an inventor, a scientist, a musician, or an alluring Hollywood star? See their detailed natal chart analysis below to find out!

Read on to explore the intriguing astrological interpretations behind their date, place and time of birth, planetary positions, houses, zodiac sign, ascendant, moon, and rising sign — defining their core identity, ego, outward persona, emotional struggles, and path to success. Your own birth chart reading might reveal just similar insights!

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Carrie Underwood Bio

Carrie Marie Underwood (born March 10, 1983) is an American country music singer, songwriter, and actress. She rose to fame as the winner of the fourth season of American Idol in 2005. Underwood has since become a multi-platinum selling recording artist. Time has listed Underwood as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.


Carrie Underwood Planetary Position

From the fiery Mars to tender Venus, in this celebrity birth chart, every planet tells their part of the story about your favorite star’s rise to fame. See Carrie Underwood’s astro chart breakdown below to find out how Mercury defines their intellect, Saturn shapes their discipline, Uranus sparks their innovative ideas, and Jupiter rules their luck. 

Read on to explore the detailed zodiac horoscope profile behind Carrie Underwood’s talent, charisma, career success, destiny twists, life path, and hurdles in love life.

Moon in Capricorn

Sun in Pisces

Asc in Scorpio

Sun in Pisces

The Sun is a big part of who you are — it plays a key role in your ego, identity, and sense of self. It can give you insight into yourself and is often one of the first signs people learn about in astrology. Your Sun is in Pisces, meaning you are fundamentally imaginative and emotionally attuned. You have a strong intuition and your emotions play a major role in your decisions. You are compassionate, kind, and gentle, but can also be very sensitive to the energy of others. You are a natural dreamer who loves to explore the unknown, but you can also be quite vulnerable to feeling overwhelmed. Tip: Remember to stay grounded and connected to the present moment. Take time for yourself to practice self-care and reflection. Trust your intuition and be open to the beauty of life and the unknown.

Moon in Capricorn

The Moon illuminates your inner self, highlighting your emotions, moods, and feelings. This is your true identity, one that shines when you're in a place of comfort and peace. Your Moon is in Capricorn, which means your emotional self is disciplined and ambitious. You are a natural leader who is focused on success and achievement, and you are always setting goals for yourself. You are also practical, reliable, and can be trusted to make wise decisions.

Mercury in Pisces

Mercury is the planet of communication and information processing. It can tell you how you think, talk, learn, and express yourself. Your Mercury is in Pisces, meaning your intellect is imaginative, creative, and intuitive. You have a knack for understanding the emotions of others and can often sense what’s going on beneath the surface.

Venus in Aries

Venus is the planet of love and connection. It rules relationships and indicates how you express affection. Through Venus, you learn to nurture and appreciate the people in your life, creating meaningful and lasting bonds. Your Venus is in Aries, meaning your romantic side is fiery and passionate. You're bold and confident in relationships and don't shy away from taking risks. You want your relationships to be filled with action, excitement, and adventure.

Mars in Aries

Mars is the planet of action and drive. It is associated with energy, ambition, and courage. When you tap into the power of Mars, you feel you can take on any challenge that comes your way. Your Mars is in Aries, meaning you assert yourself in a passionate, direct, and decisive way. You tend to take the lead and tackle obstacles head-on.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Jupiter is the planet of growth and abundance. It encourages you to take risks, explore the unknown, and expand your horizons. Jupiter's presence in your birth chart signifies great luck and optimism, allowing you to be open to new experiences. Your Jupiter is in Sagittarius, meaning you grow and find understanding through optimism, adventure, exploration, freedom, faith, truth, and philosophy.

Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and responsibility. It can help you develop boundaries and a strong sense of self-control. Your Saturn is in Scorpio, meaning you struggle with jealousy, possessiveness, and secrecy. But you have a strong sense of intensity and are likely to be incredibly passionate and driven.

Uranus in Sagittarius

Uranus stays in each sign for seven years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It can bring about revolutionary ideas and spur creativity. Your Uranus is in Sagittarius, meaning other generations are inspired by your generation's enthusiasm and curiosity. You have a natural ability to explore and expand your horizons.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Neptune stays in each sign for around fourteen years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules dreams, imagination, and spirituality. Your Neptune is in Sagittarius, meaning your generation is optimistic, open-minded, and always looking for adventure. You have an innate curiosity and are driven by a desire to explore the unknown.

Pluto in Libra

Pluto stays in each sign for up to thirty years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules power, intensity, risks, changes, and control. Your Pluto is in Libra, meaning your generation is driven by their need for harmony and balance. You are sociable, diplomatic, and seeking to create a fair and just world.

Carrie Underwood Astrological Portrait

Every struggle, every challenge, and every triumph of the world’s most prominent personalities is written in the sky, and now you can decode the celestial forces behind Carrie Underwood’s charm and career success. The natal chart reading below describes their innate strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, daily routine, and pivotal life moments — revealing what exactly makes them the icon we admire

Read on to discover how the planetary forces align to determine Carrie Underwood’s creative genius, career ambitions, remarkable achievements, wisdom, and wit.

Carrie Underwood’s birth chart shows she’s a lioness

Carrie Underwood was born on March 10, 1983. This makes her a talented Pisces Sun with an analytical Aquarius Moon. Her birth time listed online has not been confirmed, so until she does with me personally (get at me!), we are going to instead focus on what we do, in fact, know. When it comes to elements, her chart is very significantly filled with Fire energy followed by Water. This means that she burns hot and is intensely passionate. She has an impulsive, spontaneous and fierce edge to her—one that we can see enacted in a great deal of her body of work (uh, hello, how iconic is the chorus: “I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive, Carved my name into his leather seats I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, I slashed a hole in all four tires…Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.” Let’s just say, yes, I’ve blasted this a few too many times following a breakup.) Her passions, emotions and desires are paramount to her—and her courage to tackle them is immense.

When peering into her chart, the first thing that sticks out to me is how her Mars—which is the warrior energy—is so prominent in her cosmic make-up. Mars energy is confident, courageous and dominant, and with it linking in a near perfect alignment to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, this energy expands exponentially for her. She thrives on freedom and her own independence—and loves sports, travel and religion (shocker). She does have tremendous good luck shower upon her throughout her life, but it’s also because she’s honorable and holds a very high level of personal optimism and integrity. Then her Mars dances with Uranus, bringing her magnificent creativity as well as a pioneering free spirit to live according to her own truth and beliefs.

On a personal level, with her Jupiter united with Uranus, we can also see that she is inherently rebellious, but also has very high principles and likes to think for herself.

Her Moon, which is tied to her soul and inner emotional life, also makes many important astrological aspects—also dancing with her Mars, bringing her a daring personality, and her Jupiter, making her social and quite lucky financially (hello, commercial success!). The interesting here, though, is that I do sense she had difficulty understanding and trusting her feelings growing up, which has led her to be a bit more detached at times to draw boundaries in order to protect herself. With her Moon clashing with Saturn and syncing with Uranus, it’s forced her to find her own sense of balance that she lives by unapologetically.

Is Carrie Underwood astrologically compatible with Mike Fisher?

Next up: what kind of rapport exists between Underwood and her husband, Mike Fisher? Mike Fisher was born on June 5, 1980. This makes him a spontaneous Gemini Sun with a sensitive Pisces Moon. When looking at their connection, we aren’t seeing sparks…we are seeing fireworks. This is a tremendously sweet connection that, to be frank, is filled with an insane amount of chemistry, sex appeal and passion. The greatest thing about their rapport, though, is that they empower one another to go bigger, soar further and conquer everything the world has to offer. They ignite one another’s drive, while also emboldening one another for new adventures. One of my absolute favorite links, though, is how one another’s Venuses and Neptunes both interact. This is a bewitching and magnetic connection filled with immense empathy and feeling. To be honest, they’re in many ways one another’s ideal soulmate love. Venus, ruling affection and marriage, is the lower vibration of Neptune, which represents spiritual connections, so the fact that this is so prominent reveals that they have something remarkably special. My compatibility rating for them is 9 out of 10.

Info about astrology birth chart for celebrity

When we look into the astrological chart of Carrie Underwood, it’s fascinating to see that their undeniably bold personality seems to have been destined for greatness from the very start. With a sun sign that hints at confidence, a moon sign revealing a deep emotional world, and a rising sign that defines their natural charisma, it’s no wonder Carrie Underwood’s captivating celebrity aura attracts fans all over the world.

At the core of Carrie Underwood’s magnetic allure is an astrological interplay that speaks of their strong character, sharp intellect, and influential presence — providing clues about why they achieved success in areas where others only dream. Their astro chart is the quintessential example of how their big three signs align perfectly with Mercury, Venus, Mars, and other planetary forces to create a persona that stands out as a star — whether on the big screen or in everyday life. It’s like the universe conspired to make Carrie Underwood the iconic figure we can’t help but admire.

Career-wise, Carrie Underwood’s horoscope analysis reveals a person constantly evolving, with astrological signs breakdown hinting at their innate adaptability, determination, creativity, and unstoppable zest for life. Their natal horoscope points to a natural gift for communication, open-mindedness, and empathy, enhancing their ability to connect with people of diverse backgrounds. Though their demanding career might pose challenges, their birth chart also shows a will to balance work with self-care, personal development, and meaningful connections. 

Regarding relationships, the positions of Venus and Mars in Carrie Underwood’s zodiac birth chart highlight a passionate and dynamic approach to emotional connections, family ties, friendships, and love. This aligns perfectly with their public persona, which attracts global audiences while maintaining an aura of mystery and allure. Their horoscope profile indicates an individual who thrives on meaningful connections and uses their influence to shape a better world and motivate others to do the same.

To sum up, Carrie Underwood’s birth chart analysis depicts a figure who is not just marked by fame but also by an ongoing journey of self-discovery. Even in the spotlight, Carrie Underwood remains true to their personal values and spiritual beliefs, using every opportunity to make a difference in the world and inspire others. Through their artistic expressions, achievements, and social impact, Carrie Underwood serves as a standout example to many who want to find success, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose in their lives.

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What is a birth chart?

A birth chart, also called a natal chart, is technically a snapshot of the sky at the exact moment of your birth. It’s made up of several symbols representing zodiac signs, planets, and houses. The combination of these symbols can tell you a lot about your personality and life path.

How is a birth chart calculated?

A birth chart is calculated based on the exact time, date, and place where you were born. To ensure the accuracy of the birth chart, the time must be as precise as possible.

How to read a birth chart?

Reading a birth chart may seem daunting at first, but it can be broken down into a few simple elements. The planets, signs, and houses all hold specific meanings in a birth chart, and in Astroline, you’ll find detailed interpretations for each element.

What is ascendant in a birth chart?

The ascendant, or rising sign, is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time you were born. In your birth chart, the ascendant represents your attitude to life and how you express yourself to others.

How do I find my birth chart in Astroline?

In the Astroline app, simply enter your birth data and create a profile. Then, go to the Birth Chart tab to see your chart and interpretation. Use the options on the top to explore different aspects of your chart, such as planets, houses, and daily transits.
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