John Cena’s birth chart shows his youth forged him into steel
John Cena was born on April 23, 1977. This makes him a sturdy Taurus Sun with a witty Gemini Moon. His birth time is listed online which would make him a softie Cancer Ascendant, but I often find that when I work with celebrities in person they give me different information altogether, so we’ll focus predominantly on what we do—in fact—know (get at me, Cena!). When focusing on his elemental energy, his birth chart has a significant amount of emotional Water vibes, followed by Air. This shows that inherently, despite his presentation to the world, Cena is a guy who likes to relate to others as best as he can. His personal relationships are paramount to him—and much of this actually is because of his youth. His Mars, the planet of physical strength and masculinity, spins in his Midheaven, revealing that this is crucial for his career. Venus, surprisingly, is there, as well, which gives him his theatrical edge and enjoyment around art, costumes and performing.
Yet, when I peer into key characteristics that present themselves in his psychological make-up, a great degree of them reference trauma and a sense that he has had to fight back to prove himself throughout his life. There are two types of people in this world: those that experience challenges and are broken down by them and then those who use that pain as power. Cena is the latter. His Sun is united with the asteroid Chiron, known as “the Wounded Healer,” which can show abuse or disregard early in life that caused him to say: “enough is enough, if I am strong, then no one can hurt me.” This is a deeply sensitive area to illuminate, but it has given him immense courage to push himself up every single time. His Moon, ruling his emotions, clashes with Mars, revealing that he has felt heavily influenced by external situations that affected his sense of security and rather than just facing each difficult feeling, he found a rebellious and combative streak, instead. Saturn, the planet of challenges, clashes with Uranus, the planet of chaos, in an exact degree in his sky, too, bringing him a consistent knee-jerk approach to control by domination: the moment it happened to him, he’d break something down or stand up for himself because authority often tried to keep him down. This forged him into an eccentric, revolutionary individual who has broke the mold at every turn. This pain, as I mentioned, brought him his greatest ability to be far more than anyone ever expected of him. With Pluto also clashing with his Ascendant, he has fought long and hard to be admired and recognized and has understood that in order to get that, he has had to transform himself, mind, body and soul.
After all of this, though, the best part about his chart is that it also shows that he was born with innate abilities for humor, charm and performance, and underneath it all, he is ultimately very kind, balanced and reserved. The practicality he utilized to capitalize on all of these resources of talent and vision—as well as prove himself time and again—has led him to where he now stands.